Friday, January 14, 2011

Oh Humble Bagel, how we miss thee...

In many ways, Ben and I have really settled into life here in Canberra.  As an example, I had my first autopilot drive this morning.  The's Saturday morning and I have a Skype meeting with Bart at 11am (that's 4pm Friday afternoon in Eugene).  Ben and I are in the car driving to work and I find myself on my way to Ben's summer camp (in a different direction entirely).  Definitely one morning when I am glad for the abundance of traffic circles (easy to make a U-turn).

But, the one issue that will just never seem right...Australians simply do not understand the bagel.  It is difficult, but possible to find "bagels" here.  Getting to the point - they're nasty.  Hard and tasteless (hockey puck hard).  Seriously wrong.  As Ben and I were eating breakfast this morning - with English muffins substituting for the bagel, we lamented about the wonderful treasures at Humble Bagel.  Oh the selection.  And you know that there's really not a bad choice there.

So while I am enjoying the easily obtained English bitter (a brilliant beer and difficult to find in Eugene), there's still something missing - a good bagel.  Just realized how great a Humble Bagel bagel and an English bitter would be together.  Though not for breakfast, well maybe...this is Australia.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amy and Ben, oops I haven't read for a few days and you have been busy. It's fun to know what you are up to. Hugs to you both,
